Park Rules:
The Park is open from dawn to dusk.
Now that the Park is finally open we would like to remind you all of a few things:
1.) Supervision is required. The Park is not responsible for accidents.
2.) No smoking. 🚫
3.) No foul language.
4.) No alcoholic beverages.
5.)Improper use of equipment is prohibited.
6.) No drugs.
7.) No fireworks.
8.) No firearms.
9.) Dogs must be on a leash at all times and limit them to the walking paths only. (Please do not let them run free through the soccer field, basketball area or play area. If they go to the bathroom, do your part and clean it up so someone doesn’t step in it.) 🐶
Please be respectful of the Park and others who are there. So much time and love has been poured into this Park by so many different people. We want it to stay beautiful and be a place for every child (and adult) to enjoy. ❤️
Thank you all and we can’t wait to see you enjoying this beautiful place.